EMDR is an extremely well-documented practice, which has been the subject of a large number of scientific studies demonstrating its effectiveness, thus becoming the standard treatment for “post-traumatic stress” and many forms of anxiety.
Avoir 15 ans et être épuisé, atypique non ? On s’attend plutôt à voir des adolescents débordants d’énergie courir au foot puis au tennis en demandant encore à sortir le soir… En fait, cet état de fatigue est une alarme que le corps envoie et, nous parents, nous devons la prendre très au sérieux.
Back pain, neck pain, headache and other types of pain typically respond very well to acupuncture. If you are worried about needles, our acupuncturist Matthew Scott offers non-needle options which are effective and painless.
Sophrology is similar to mindfulness. It works on the basis of being in the present moment, however, it is more focused on relaxation and feelings of pleasure. Very well established in France, yet fairly new to Hong Kong.
The IV Vitamin Drip will give you the essential building blocks to help your immune system. This will help you fight the flu as well as provide essential vitamins and minerals to keep you feeling energized.
The use of connected objects is constantly growing. Many scientific studies seek to measure the risks to our health. Know how to protect yourself and what behavior to adopt.