Face & Body Rejuvenation Acupuncture
A highly effective, safe, non-surgical, holistic approach to reduce signs of aging, this holistic therapy also helps alleviate health conditions that may reveal on the face.
The delicate use of find needles, QI work and craniosacral release with essential oils are carried out in a flow to enhance rejuvenation process.
Depending on the individual’s need, it helps:
- de-puff and firm skin tissues
- brighten complexion
- lighten pigmentation
- smooth fine lines and wrinkles
- encourage collagen production
- lift drooping eye lids and jaw
- diminish blemishes and rosacea
- renew the mind-body energy
Improvements are experienced after one session. However, a series of treatments will bring best results including overall health and vitality. Sharon is happy to discuss with you a treatment plan that works towards your desired results.
QI Healing (qigong & aroma-meridian) Therapy
“QI” is the life force energy inside and around all beings. As with yin-yang, the body operates optimally when QI flows freely, in balance. Often, stress-related issues such as digestive disorder, headache or anxiety are signs of imbalance of QI.
The word “Healing” often means to make whole. Some see it as harmony of body-mind-spirit.
This enjoyable, therapeutic QI Healing session comprises Qigong and aroma-meridian therapy, allowing the natural vibration in pure essential oils in the process to enhance your QI flow.
The focus of your session will be the issue that you would like to work on, or whatever else Sharon may find, and ask for your feedback on.
Greater balance in physical and emotional health can be restored almost effortlessly along this unlimited, co-creative healing process with Sharon, often leading to a quiet mind and shifts.
Reported benefits from clients who experienced QI Healing include: balanced mood, better sleep and energy level, pain relief, reduced stress, improved digestion, hormonal balance, reduced allergies.
You will also be equipped with simple and easy self-healing technique to take home during your program, as healing goes on beyond sessions.