Back pain, neck pain, headache and other types of pain typically respond very well to acupuncture. If you are worried about needles our acupuncturist Matthew Scott offers non-needle acupuncture options which are effective and painless.
Non-needle Acupuncture Alternatives
Matthew originally trained in traditional Chinese acupuncture, which emphasizes use of needles and can be painful for some people. However, he now uses gentler methods like laser and micro-current. The needles he uses are from Japan. They are very small and cause no discomfort, even to kids.
Acupuncture For Pain
In acupuncture meridian therapy all health problems will manifest as imbalances in the body’s flow of electrical energy. In cases of pain, whether from injury, stress or other reasons, there will be a resulting disruption of flow along 1 or more of the body’s 12 main electrical energy meridians.
The Treatment Steps For Pain (and other conditions) Are:
- Diagnose which meridians are related to your pain.
- Restore energetic flow through the meridians and painful body areas. This is done by stimulating acupuncture points on the skin at the site of pain and along the pathways of the affected meridians. When balance is restored, the pain will stop.
- Pain relief may be immediate or you may need a course of treatment to get lasting relief. Each person responds differently. Typically, the longer you’ve had a problem, the more treatment you’ll need.
Accurate Diagnosis
At each visit Matthew does a computerized test called an Acugraph test. This only takes a few minutes. Acugraph is a digital meridian imaging system which very accurately identifies imbalances related to your condition and the body areas needing treatment. You will see your test result immediately on a chart and Matthew will discuss it with you before starting your treatment.
Free Acugraph Test
For more on how Matthew can help you, he offers a free 15-minute consultation including an Acugraph test.
Please call Dr Susan Jamieson Integrative Medical Practice to book an appointment for non-needle acupuncture to help with pain.
Tel : 2523 8044 or email :