Dr Denny’s experience…Recently I am seeing a lot of men with low testosterone levels. Even as young as their 30s, although most in the 40s and 50s. James was 42, went to the gym frequently however in the past six months had noticed a lot of fat around his abdomen which was just not shifting. His diet was excellent, and there was no obvious reason for this. Also, his muscle mass was not increasing despite having regular personal training sessions. Although normally patients would complain of low sex drive or energy levels…
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Know More about Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture therapy is an ancient healing and anti-aging practice of traditional Chinese medicine which involves the insertion of fine needles into the skin. It began to spread rapidly during the twentieth century in Western Europe and North America and has become a popular modality used to offset stress and the effects of aging.
Back Pain Acupuncture
Treating back pain with acupuncture has a long history, dating back to ancient China. This technique of using needles to promote healing and to relieve pain is considered mysticism and pseudoscience in some circles, but research shows it to be an effective method of treating pain, one that complements western medicine.
Are You and Your Body Ready for the Christmas Holidays?

Are you and your body ready for the Christmas holidays?
Aches and pain from shopping and traveling. How Osteopathy can help you manage December and be ready for a fresh start in the New Year.
Food allergies and intolerances
We all know that food allergies and intolerances are a problem! We have come across many patients who have been prescribed useless or incomplete tests that do not allow reliable diagnosis or effective treatment. Let us give you some practical tips to better understand your body and even allow you to resume a normal diet!