Some people feel that acupuncture is only for “new age” folks who don’t believe in Western medicine. Of course, most of us have now heard of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), however the Japanese have a history of acupuncture treatment that is at least as old as China’s.
Acupuncture Is An Effective Treatment For Anxiety
Others believe that any form of acupuncture – whether Traditional Chinese Medicine of other styles – are only for your ageing mom with chronic back pain. However, an increasing body of research shows that acupuncture can help treat a condition that affects everyone at least once in their lives: anxiety.
Managing anxiety can be difficult because it generally includes therapy, which may not provide results for months. It can also require western medication, which can have serious side effects. A great alternative is acupuncture. It is very effective, symptoms lessen after the first few visits, and it treats the root of the problem.
How Acupuncture for Anxiety Works
Ancient Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) discusses an energy force called “Qi” that is in charge of regulating the body’s overall health. The Japanese had the same beliefs. Like blood in the circulatory system, Qi moves throughout the body system in pathways called “meridians.”
When outside factors intrude, like stress, poor diet, or simply when life is challenging, the flow of Qi is disrupted and sickness begins. By inserting hair-thin needles at specific acupressure points in the body, acupuncturists restore the balance of Qi and the body’s health.
This concept might seem outdated for some people, however the word “Qi” can be seen as a metaphor for metabolic function, or the chemical reactions constantly taking place in the body.
Japanese Acupuncture Can Make You Feel Better Immediately
In Japanese acupuncture techniques, we insert each needle at specific points that have been proven to work for thousands of years. Depending on what points are involved, acupuncture can stimulate the nervous system to produce endorphins (the body’s natural painkilling chemical), and boost the body’s natural ability for self-healing.
It can also stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions, which includes anxiety. All of these can help people feel more balanced and treat a variety of illnesses.
Acupuncture For Managing Anxiety and Drug Use
Mainly through the fame of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture has increased in popularity since the 1970’s simply because it works. Currently, there’s growing research supporting its effectiveness for anxiety and other mental conditions such as stress and depression.
How does it work? Research has shown that acupuncture slows the body’s production of stress hormones. These findings were published in the Journal of Endocrinology in April 2013.
Unlike with counseling and therapy, people treated with acupuncture often see results after one session, and the results improve with continued treatment.
Acupuncture is also helpful for people who want to limit or stop drug use — prescription or otherwise. It regulates the body’s chemical balance naturally. Acupuncture can help people become balanced so that they don’t need medication at all.
How Do I Get Started With Japanese Acupuncture?
When it comes to trying my style of Japanese acupuncture for yourself, I feel that you have nothing to lose. With an experienced acupuncturist, the risks are almost nonexistent and are far outweighed by the potential benefits. The majority of my patients tell me that they sleep better and have a stronger sense of overall well-being after a few sessions.
If you’re already receiving treatment for anxiety, I would highly suggest that you add acupuncture to your current plan. If you see that it works for you, then you can inform your doctor about the results. Together, you can work to slowly wean yourself off anxiety medications, if required.