Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Despite being liberated from the pain associated with menstruation, the fact that the ovaries stop producing progesterone and estrogen after menopause will lead various symptoms that greatly affects your quality of life. These include insomnia, mood swings, hot flashes (Sudden heating of the neck, causing sweating and shivering), deterioration to sleeping quality, and greater risk to heart disease due to weght gain and higher blood pressure. Not to mention brain fog, memory disturbance or hair loss. However, it’s not all bad as women can happily settle into the second phase of their lives, contraceptive free, after a bit of hormone balancing!
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) commonly used to treat the above symptoms usually uses hormones tabulated from the urine of pregnant horses. Pharmaceutically made, structural differences still exist, suggesting doubts towards perfect compatibility with the human body. Furthermore, studies have shown that long-term usage of these hormones can lead to greater risk of stroke and breast cancer, leading to women discontinuing the usage of HRT.
Bio-identical hormones produced in labs with the same molecular structure as human estrogen and progesterone were thereby proposed as a better alternative with lower risk of complications and improved compatibility, thereby bringing along better results.Also it’s not a ‘one size futs all’ dosage, but titrated to a women’s needs, including testosterone supplementation and DHEA.
Who is suitable for Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is suitable to anyone with hormonal issues, with its identical molecular nature suggesting a much lower risk of compatibility issues. It has also been proposed that women with a history of cancer can benefit from BHRT by treating this as an alternative to normal HRTs. Nonetheless, it is still important to consult with a medical professional to discuss the risk associated with BHRT. Make an appointment with Dr. Susan Jamieson today to learn more about how this treatment could improve your quality of life post-menopause. She’s been the firs tot import they BHRT , as hey can’t be bought form pharmaceutical companies in hk.
Are Bio-identical Hormones Better?
According to the Harvard Medical School, the FDA approves for the usage of BHRT for menopausal symptoms. These include Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone and Testosterone, which are normally administered through the form of gels and creams.
One important factor that makes BHRT better is its custom-made nature. The dosage of hormones will be decided by your physicians based on blood or urine (metabolites of hormones show in urine)which determines the level of hormones within your body. A compounding mixture of hormones can therefore be administered according to your needs, leading to foreseeable improvements to the mentioned symptoms.
Research did discover the effectiveness of BHRT in slowing down the onset of osteoporosis, which is the diminishing of bone density with age; and in alleviating symptoms associated with decrease in estrogen levels.
It is essential to consult with your family physician before starting any form of HRT treatments given the large amount of non-FDA approved compounds that are sold illegally on the market. According to the British Menopause Society, it is highly recommended that this form of treatment should be prescribed by healthcare practitioners with training in this specific specialty. Dr. Susan Jamieson is a board certified general practitioner with further training in obstetrics and gynecology and integrative medicine, serving the Hong Kong community for more than three decades. Her qualifications and experience allows her to make informed decisions that will bring along optimal outcomes for her patients. Book a consultation with Dr. Susan Jamieson now to learn more about BHRT.