About Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine developed by the German physician and scientist, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1856. It is a Science which has been existing and growing worldwide from the last 200 years.
Homeopathic treatment aims to stimulate and direct the body’s self-healing capacity by triggering a reaction. The body reacts to stimuli, which have physiological effects( drugs and toxins) by attempting to maintain homeostasis ( stable internal environment)
Homeopathy makes therapeutic use of this effect.
Homeopathic medicines are prescribed according to a law known as the “Law of Similars, Sometimes expressed as like cures like”. This law allows homeopaths to correct symptoms of ill-health with substances that produce similar symptoms when tested on a healthy person.
Medicine cure diseases only because they can produce similar symptoms in healthy individuals.
Homeopathic medicines are being proved on healthy individuals. Both Mental, as well as physical symptoms, are recorded while proving medicine. More than 2000 remedies are being used by homeopaths in clinics for the treatment of diseases.
Hence you will find your Homeopath asking you many questions pertaining not only to physical symptoms but also deep inquiry is made on mental symptoms like your Will, intellect, and Sensitivities. Your diligence, Anger, Fear and weeping all sorts of emotions are considered.