We spring clean our homes, our offices, our handbags (if you are a woman), so how about spring cleaning our bodies?
In an ideal world — a world were we eat natural nutritious food, drink fresh spring water, breathe clean air, experience little stress and do plenty of physical activities — the body is naturally self-healing and self-cleansing. Without conscious thought on how much stomach acid or enzyme to produce, or what nutrients to absorb, the body automatically digests and assimilates the nutritious foods and excretes waste and toxins that it cannot use.
Yet when we live in the city, especially one like Hong Kong, the naturally healing and cleansing ability of the body is often compromised and when the intake of toxins exceeds the body’s ability to excrete them, the excess is stored in our organs, muscles, fat and other tissues of the body.
Just as when we are overwhelmed with work and put the less urgent tasks in the “to do” pile for a time when we have time and energy to deal with those tasks, our body also ‘waits’ for a time when its workload is reduced so that it can excrete this stored excess from our bodies. However, we rarely give our bodies a break from stress, sugar, wheat, pollution, pesticides, preservatives, food colourings, alcohol, chlorine in the water, growth hormones in meat etc., and as a result, our body rarely gets the chance to get its “to dos” done.
There are many ways to let our body do its “to dos’, or detoxify. One of the most gentle, natural and effective methods is to keep a simple diet for a period of 10 to 28 days (or more) to minimise the chemical toxins ingested, and at the same time give the body sufficient high-quality nutrients to support the natural detoxification abilities of the body. During this period, regular exercise, using natural organic skin care products, drinking plenty of purified water and allowing plenty of rest also support the detoxification process.
Some benefits of doing a detox programme include increased energy, weight management, improved general health, improved skin condition and better digestion. If that is not enough to convince you to give your body a break, look at the list below and if you can check off four or more of the complaints, it’s most definitely time for a detox:
- fatigue
- poor concentration
- weight gain
- bad breath
- constipation
- frequent headaches
- recurrent colds
- recurrent joint pains
- skin issues
- infections
- heart-burn, or
- mood swings?
To make an appointment, please call 2523 8044.