Dr Denny’s experience…
Recently I am seeing a lot of men with low testosterone levels. Even as young as their 30s, although most in their 40s and 50s.
James was 42, went to the gym frequently however in the past six months had noticed a lot of fat around his abdomen, which was just not shifting. His diet was excellent and there was no obvious reason for this. Also, his muscle mass was not increasing despite having regular personal training sessions.
Although normally patients would complain of low sex drive or energy levels….
this wasn’t the case with him. Much to my surprise, tests testosterone levels were low. We always check for something called ‘primary testicular failure’ by measuring some brain hormones also, but these were normal. TRT or Testosterone Treatment for a Man 男性荷爾蒙補充療法 (中文版見下文)
With TRT or testosterone treatment for a man, I always do a stepwise approach, first noting the response to an intramuscular injection of testosterone. Testosterone IM has a fairly immediate effect, peaks quickly in the first week and then wears off fairly quickly also.
According to the patient’s response and blood levels, we move on to a daily dose, not oral but transdermal testosterone. That means that the skin absorbs it. Of course, this is more natural as the testicles would normally be producing daily amounts of testosterone hormone.
With James, we were able to do this, and he is now losing his abdominal fat, lifting weight 20% heavier. Surprisingly he’s also noticed that he has more energy and is more interested in sex. He hadn’t actually noticed his libido tailing off over the past year!
So we keep going with the TRT, of course monitoring him to make sure testosterone levels are not too low, and not too high. This minimises any potential side effects. We always measure liver function because hormones are all metabolised through the liver…
Getting a happy patient like James is really satisfactory, and he understands the need for follow-up to insure perfect levels!
Let me know if I can help you with any hormonal problems you may have, and also I see women for the same issues! 荷爾蒙補充療法
最近, 遇到 不少 病人有低男性荷爾蒙 這個問題 ,大部份40至50歲, 小部分 年青的 年僅緊 三十歲 。
James 是一位 42歲 的男士, 經常有 去 健身室 ,
最近六個月發覺 腹部周圍 有 許多 脂肪積聚。 由於 他飲食非常健康 , 易 有一個人私人練健身教練 飲食習慣非常好, 沒有 明顯的原因 導致 謝謝 個問題 , 加上 性慾低,令他十分煩惱, 同時他亦發覺 身體各部分的肌肉 ,漸漸減少。 雖然他知道隨著年齡的增長這是無可避免的 ,但他卻不甘心 ,看見自己漸漸衰老下去, 一驗之下 發現男性荷爾蒙非常低 原來是 是”原發性 睾丸衰退 primary testicular failure”, 這個問題在作怪…..
TRT or Testosterone Treatment for a Man 男性荷爾蒙補充療法
進行 “男性荷爾蒙的補充 Testosterone Replacement Therapy”, 是 需要按部就班 的, 一般的步驟如下:
第一步 是肌肉注射男性荷爾蒙 : 作用很快會見到 一個星期 好嘢, 會 見到 肌肉量漸漸增加 脂肪量漸漸減少 精神力量亦隨之 增添 ,這張電話卡 ,性慾易慢慢多起。
治療, 會因應病人反應血液裏含量, 姨姨 調整份量, 適當時候 會嘗試轉去 外用 荷爾蒙 貼 以維持 近 每天 男性荷爾蒙水平, 已接近自然的分 泌。
漸漸 James 腹部間積聚脂肪漸漸消失 ,提舉比以前多20%的重量, 定期量度血液裏 男性荷爾蒙 含量, 不可超出範圍 ,不可以太低,亦不可太高 , 如此 盡量減低副作用 。此外, 亦 需定期 檢查肝功能, 因為 男性荷爾蒙 ,是需要肝臟去 新陳代謝的。
James 認為这治療 ,是很 能夠幫助他。亦了解到 定期覆診 和 保持 男性荷爾蒙 保持在 最佳 水 平 的重要性。
如果閣下 亦有類似問題 ,不妨來電咨詢。
至於女士, 我們亦有“女性荷爾蒙 補充 ”方案可以幫到 妳。目前 ,我們已經幫助了上千 男士女士, 獲待 復青春的方法。
Dr Denny