In Western medicine, we’re made of a dense physical body which can be serviced like a car. It’s maintained in good condition by prevention, treatment and cure in the form of medication, care and surgery.
In Asia we have a more subtle view of our beings, which we can call ‘Energy Medicine.An example would be acupuncture, however Kinesiology is also part of this system where the physical body is connected in more sophisticated ways. In this belief system, every human being has their own vital energy which is called Qi by the Chinese, Ki by the Japanese, Prana by the Indians and Mana by the Hawaiians. Although it’s true to say that this lifeforce energy is not visible in the same way as the circulatory system nor as easily measured, everyone can distinguish when they feel tired.
To visualize and understand what this vital lifeforce energy is, imagine your energy as a flowing river. Crossing different landscapes, it will adapt course according to the geology. It may meander, turning, narrowing or widening, becoming sometimes rapid or even waterfalls. All these changes will have an influence on the way the energy flows- it may slow or accelerated and will have to adapt to new conditions.
In the same way, the environment in which we live leads to various situations, sensations and discomforts that bring us emotions of fear, anger, doubt or guilt that induce energy tensions or blockages.
Our body is naturally endowed with the instinct of survival and constituted to allow us to adapt, protect and care spontaneously. He is also “seasoned” to compensate when life becomes hard. If the flow of vital energy is disrupted, a disharmony is manifested by a bodily symptom that is a warning messenger, to remind us to slow down, consider and relax. If we stress, abuse and neglect our bodies too often and for too long, the long-term compensation will lead to a greater disorder or imbalance that will amplify the pain or induce another symptom elsewhere in the body, perhaps an autoimmune disease, depression, “burn out” or even diseases such as cancer.
To avoid reaching this point, we must ask: what does my body want to tell me when it sends this illness symptom? What can I do to eliminate it? Kinesiology uses the muscle test to find the origin of your illness. This technique makes it possible to know very precisely the cause of the symptom, to understand it and to eliminate it.This muscle test also identifies the energy system appropriate to the patient’s need for special energy balancing. For instance, it could be that in your case you need to rebalance the Chinese meridians that connect the acupuncture points, or the chakras of Indian medicine. In kinesiology,we may need to alter the vital energy flow by activation or calming, and this will have the effect of clearing any dysfunction on all the body planes: from the physical, mental and psychic to the cellular level.
The rebalanced energetic information will be transmitted throughout the body, which will again be able to heal itself and return to the dynamic and harmonious equilibrium characterizing full health. Energetic medicines are not a mystical or esoteric phenomenon. For 5 decades, modern alternative therapies have fused Western and Eastern knowledge and practices that take into account the wholeness of the individual, and that any action aimed at health necessarily involves the energy system.Kinesiology is one of those holistic therapies recommended and effective in supplementing and supporting drug treatment. Of course it’s useful in may conditions, especially following surgery, eczema, allergies, psychological care, stress, depression, or burn out.