This article on Kinesiology treatment by Brett Scott is reprinted with the kind permission of The Source Asia, an online magazine and a source for holistic news, upcoming events, practitioners, spas and wellness centres in Asia.
What is Kinesiology Treatment?
It is about testing and monitoring the muscles as a biofeedback mechanism. The response we get from the muscles is an indication of stress and imbalance of the body. A change in the reaction of the muscle in relation to some sort of stimuli will indicate a stress. If it’s an allergy you can put that allergen on the person to get an indicator change.
What Can You Test?
Similar to Chinese Medicine, we can test the over and under energy in the meridians, and why that energy is there. We can test for food imbalances, nutritional imbalances, digestive problems, immune problems.
What About Emotional or Mental Problems?
For that we look at the muscle response when a specific emotion is addressed. We can get feedback to see if the emotion is a stress for you.
What Do You Do if the Emotion is a Stress?
We balance the stresses behind it. It changes the stress response in the body. We look at what might be creating that stress.
Do People Also Come to You With Physical Problems?
Yes, and also emotional problems, anxiety, depression.
What Are The Most Common Issues?
Allergies, low immune system, digestive problems like candida or irritable bowel, emotional stresses like relationship breakups, work related stresses, reactions towards vaccinations, etc.
Let’s Say Someone Has Chronic Migraine. How Can You Help?
Then we would find out why the body is creating a migraine. We would find the root cause and the underlying stress, which can be organ imbalances. Often it is tension in the jaw muscles. Dehydration can also lead to this.
What Are The Benefits Of Kinesiology? Could You Call This “Healing”?
Our body is designed to heal itself, and if it doesn’t, it means that something is blocking it. I see Kinesiology as moving blocks that are stopping the body from healing itself. I don’t heal anyone. I’m trying to get the body to start healing itself again. Kinesiology tends to help people where other modalities, such as Western Medicine, are not working.
Are There Side Effects?
Generally not. Sometimes you can get a bit tired, and you need to sleep a few extra hours, while the body brings itself back into balance.
Why Would You Recommend Kinesiology Over Another Technique?
Kinesiology is a very fast and effective way of finding out the underlying causes of the problem. The technique is good for a variety of issues.
There Are Various Kinesiology Modalities. Which Ones Do You Apply?
Kinesiology incorporates nutritional supplemental work, traditional Chinese therapy, emotions etc. Depending on what someone is seeing me for, I’ll use a different technique. I might use some LEAP (Learning Enhanced Acupressure Program) on someone with anxiety or depression. So you use specific acupoints in combination to get that energetic connection to the different areas of the brain, which then can indicate if those areas are under stress on a functional level. It’s good for learning problems, anxiety, any sort of problem that’s on a thinking level. I also use NOT (Neural Organisational Technique). Both techniques work with the survival systems of the body and help to reorganize the nervous system.
What’s The Most Interesting Experience You’ve Ever Had?
There are just too many. But working on someone with multiple personalities is very interesting. You can help them to get more organized and to integrate those personalities, balancing their life.
There was also a 6 year-old girl with chronic stomachache that was brought to me by her mother. We found out that she had a fear of going to school, which came from when she was 3 years old and the stress and fear about the first day at kindergarten. So we worked on this fear and the next week I saw her mother again and she said, “It’s funny, for the last 3 years every morning my daughter would wake up with a pain in her stomach, saying ‘Mommy I don’t want to go to school’.”
But they day after I had worked with her, the daughter woke up and said, “Mom I got a pain in my…” and she touched her belly, but she couldn’t find her pain. That was really amazing for me to see how the body had changed so quickly, after the treatment she didn’t have that fear anymore, and she could learn better etc.
What About Allergies? Let’s Say Someone Has A Milk Allergy, Can You Balance That?
It depends. There are three ways of looking at that. You can have a milk sensitivity, a milk allergy or a case of intolerance. Sensitivity means that you’re a bit sensitive to it. You might get tired after it, but there’s no allergy response in your blood. But if you have a real allergy, you see an immune response in your blood and it might show itself in form of a rash or coughing. An intolerance is something that’s generally not something that’s fixable, but you can do balances around it.
If someone is genetically susceptible to obesity, it doesn’t mean that they are obese. If they have a good diet and less stress, they will never be obese, because the gene has been turned down and hasn’t been expressed. Let’s say that person gets overloaded with toxins, that genetic expression might change. We can change the expression of the genes but not the genes themselves. We have genes for wings and all sorts of things. We just have a big sign on them that says, “Don’t Open, This is a Human”.
Sandra Cohen-Taieb – kinesiologist for Dr Susan Jamieson Integrative Medical Practice, provides individualized kinesiology sessions here in Hong Kong Central. One of her mentors was the author of this article.