Integrated medical care. It’s an elegantly simple concept: don’t simply address one aspect of medical care, cover it all, across a range of medical disciplines.
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Quand la ménopause arrive, nos hormones s’affolent
Comme nous le savons toutes, notre taux d’hormones varie en fonction de notre âge et notre cycle. Dès l’adolescence, les premiers changements hormonaux apparaissent avec la puberté puis les règles. Cette période de la vie est plus ou moins compliquée, nous nous en souvenons toutes : changement de la physiologie accompagné parfois de prise de poids, […]
Le mal de dos est sans doute la chose au monde la mieux partagée. Une récente étude scandinave a montré qu’à peine 20% de la population pouvait passer une année entière sans le moindre épisode douloureux. Le risque de développer une cervicalgie est 3 à 4 fois supérieur si l’on travaille quotidiennement dans un bureau. […]
Apprendre à gérer son stress
Hong Kong a toujours été une ville stressante à vivre. Les heures de travail sont généralement longues, les délais courts, ainsi que la course au perfectionnisme pour fournir des services parfaits pour gagner le plus d’argent possible. Depuis plus de 23 ans, j’exerce en tant que médecin généraliste, et j’ai observé une diminution du sentiment […]

EVOLVE ASIA FESTIVAL The Practice of Integrating Western and Alternative Medicine -my learning and experience from 25 years in Asia Integrative medicine is a practice that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, treating each individual as unique rather than labeling them as a disease with cookie- […]
Transcript of Talk to French School
Adolescent Clinic – improving physical and emotional health, increasing study abilities and communication skills. Do you worry about your adolescent? Perhaps he’s stopped communicating with you, or has had a change in behaviour? Sometimes, around examination tume, you worry that they are not studying effectively, and managing well at school. Or, you may suspect drug […]
New Harvard Alzheimers information

This article discusses approaches to Alzheimers prevention, including every day things people can do for themselves.

CUTTING EDGE TECHNIQUES THAT GIVE REAL RESULTS IN A SHORT TIME: The doctor patient relationship, although tending to be marginalized by every new therapeutic and radiological response, is still vitally important, and at the heart of every medical interaction. As physicians we’re taught awareness of social factors such as poverty, isolation, divorce and […]
Celebrating 25 Years…

I’m celebrating 25 years of helping physical and emotional health in Hong Kong! As part of this, the practice is being re-named Dr Susan Jamieson Integrative Medical Practice. I remember Dr Deepak Chopra telling me, in California, in 2000, “The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your lifespan […]