小腸 細菌過度生長或青 SIBO 能夠造成 搶統胃痛因為小腸內的細菌變成不平衡的狀態 這能令 食物的正常消化 受到影響 因此而形成腹部不舒服除了不舒服還有其他不確定的因素 正常的小腸是有一低份量的細菌在滋生但是當這份量變成太多的時候問題就會出現. Bacterial overgrowth in the intestines disturbs the gut Microbiome. With pathogenic bacteria less good gut bacterium there are imbalances which can lead to digestive disorders, discomfort and bloating. Dr Denny Chan has a special interest in this area. 除了 腹部脹痛還有其他的因素 正常來說腸內的有的細菌是一定的數量 有時候我們聽到 SIBO […]
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Top 3 Tips In Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine is similar to Integrative Medicine, however more focused on addressing the underlying causes of disease. Integrative Medicine takes into account different avenues of diagnosis – pathological; chemical; emotional. Briefly, we can divide underlying causes into three categories of imbalance; Tip 1 -Your emotions We live such busy lives nowadays that we forget stress, […]
Parasitic Diseases in Hong Kong
Parasites exist around around the world, but types of parasites vary by region. A parasite such as lung fluke may be more prevalent in Southeast Asia than in North America. With Parasites come parasitic diseases. They can range from relatively benign and innocuous, to irritating and uncomfortable, to fatal. These are some of those found here in Hong Kong.
Seven Signs You Have An Unhealthy Gut
You depend on the bacteria in your gut to keep you healthy. These help you digest food and protect you from illnesses that might otherwise pass from your gastrointestinal tract into your bloodstream. So keeping your gut healthy is vital to overall health. What are the signs that you have an unhealthy gut?