I’ve written about metabolic syndrome and the health benefits of low carb diets before, but I want to tell you about an important new report that was published in the Journal for Clinical Insight in June 2019. The article makes it clear that restricting dietary carbohydrates reduces the markers of metabolic syndrome, even when calorie count and weight is kept the same.
In other words, even if you don’t lose weight, reducing carbohydrate consumption can reduce the symptoms (and the outcomes!) of metabolic syndrome (MetS). Since MetS leads to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, that’s really important. Cardiovascular disease is by far the biggest health threat worldwide – it’s the most likely to impact you or those you love.
Highest Causes Of Death Worldwide
New Research Calls Metabolic Syndrome “Dietary Carbohydrate Intolerance”
The research concludes that metabolic syndrome “is a pathologic state that manifests as dietary carbohydrate intolerance.”
This is a big deal because until now, the medical view of metabolic syndrome was that it is a chronic progressive disorder with limited proven treatment options. Now it’s clear that low carbohydrate dietary choices, even without significant weight loss, can have a major and rapid impact on metabolic disease.
“Our results show that MetS can be rapidly (within 4 weeks) reversed by an LC diet in the majority of participants who are obese.”
– Journal For Clinical Insight
As Angela Staunton, Ph.D. points out in her blog: “In the past, all research with the low carbs diets was criticized because weight loss is generally associated with the reduction or reversal of T2D. So making sure that weight loss didn’t happen but T2D was improved or reversed, was a very important point.”
It’s a key takeaway. Even if you’re not ready to lose weight or cut calories, start reducing carbs. Cutting high carbohydrate foods from your diet will improve your health and increase your likelihood to avoid some of the most deadly health outcomes we know of.
Little Reporting In The Press
She also has a theory about why this important research has had limited reporting in the press, especially in the United States: “The US industries (processed food manufacturers, farmer who receive government subsidies for growing grains and soy even if we don’t need them, pharmaceuticals, medical facilities, and associated medical industries) don’t want us to stop eating bread, pasta, potatoes, and sugar! We may get healthy!! What will they do and whom will they sell to if US people turn to wholesome food choices instead of all that processed food?”
It’s Not Fat That Makes You Fat
“Despite being higher in saturated fat, carbohydrate-restricted diets decrease plasma total saturated fatty acids.”
– Journal For Clinical Insight
Overcoming Metabolic Disease
Our Holistic practice has long paid attention to dietary choices as part of our treatment protocols. There’s plenty of evidence today. If you’re diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, or have a family with diabetes… it’s definitely time to reduce or eliminate pasta, bread, potatoes, and sugar from your diet. A low carb diet with increased (good) fats can bring you significant health improvements.