How Do You Know If You’re Deficient In Magnesium?
I often find that patients have no idea about the importance of magnesium in our daily lives. It can affect many different aspects of our health, such as moods, digestion, heart health and the regulation of blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, most people (up to 80%) are deficient in this essential nutrient.
So how do you know if you’re deficient in Magnesium? Symptoms include: anxiety, irritability, headaches or migraines, insomnia, constipation, restless legs, and PMS or menstrual cramps. Even some serious conditions such as angina, heart palpitations, and diabetes can be affected by decreased levels of magnesium in your body. Clearly, it’s important for our overall health.
Foods High In Magnesium
We all know we need to eat our greens, and one of the easiest ways to increase our health is through adjustments to our diets. Not all foods are the same, so if you want to focus on increasing your magnesium intake, start eating more of the following in moderation:
You can also increase your Magnesium intake by taking a daily supplement. Magnesium glycinate is considered one of the best absorbed by the body, while Magnesium carbonate has antacid qualities and Magnesium citrate has laxative properties. We will chose the supplement best suited to you based on your health and symptoms.
Get a Magnesium Blood Test
If you’re concerned about possible magnesium deficiency, we can check with a blood test. Also, we have supplements available. It is always best to speak to me about what steps to take to alleviate the symptoms you are experiencing.
Health and Happiness
Yours, Sue