Sara Jefferson,
Naturopath and Homeopath
B.Sc (Hons) Monash University – Biochemistry, Psychology, Microbiology
Dip. App. Sci (Naturopathy) – Southern School of Natural Therapies
Post Grad. Dip. Homoeopathy – Homoeopathic Education and Research Association (HERA) Australia
About Sara
This Australian naturopathic doctor has a solid education in science, having obtained her Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry in Australia, as well as a diploma in naturopathy and postgraduate diploma in homoeopathy.
Perhaps surprising in someone who has studied micro biology and chemistry then became a molecular biologist in cancer research, in the U.S., patients find her very kind and easy to relate to.
Having worked in the US, and in China as well as her own clinic in Melbourne for 11 years, Sara Jefferson brings a multitude of experience to the table. Experienced with problems of pregnancy, children, digestive disorders as well as chronic disease.
Sara Specializes in areas of:
- Gut health and food intolerance/allergies
- Hormone balancing
This is an example of her philosophy:
”Reflux and Stomach Acidity”
The first thing that many people reach for when they have indigestion or heartburn is antacids. I believe this is one of the worst things you can do for your health.
Although counterintuitive, heartburn is more often about too little stomach acid than too much. After 50 we tend to produce less stomach acid and yet indigestion is a common complaint of older people.
Having too little stomach acid has lots of ramifications. Our food is not digested as well before it enters our small intestine, making it more difficult to absorb nutrient and many harmful bacteria survive through the lowered acid conditions, which can lead to increased bacterial growth, ulcers and gastroenteritis, and of course, over the counter antacids lower our stomach acid even more, creating negative feedback loops encouraging our system to produce even less stomach acid.
Try the simple test of drinking ¼ teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda mixed into a glass of cold water first thing in the morning. If you don’t belch within 2-3 minutes, chances are that you are low in stomach acid.
Low stomach acid can also indicate poor nutrient levels, especially zinc and vitamin B12. Treatment often includes assessing the nutritive status and supplementing with digestive enzymes and high quality bioactive multivitamins.
What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathic doctors are trained in both traditional (western methods) and alternative methods of diagnosis, to successfully pin-point a predisposition in the body, before the onset of acute disease, and treat the patient with specific therapies which may be lifestyle based, eg dietary, herbs, and vitamin mineral supplements. Naturopathic doctors undergo a 4 year college training, and then some train further in homeopathy, another natural medicine.
The advantage is that their prescriptions are effective yet free of side effects.
The doctors do have training in assessment of laboratory tests, and often will recommend sophisticated tests to diagnose things such as environmental toxicity.
Conditions especially amenable to Naturopathic Treatment:
Often things that Western medicine is less effective with, such as:
- Asthma
- Eczema and Allergies
- Low Immune system and frequent infections
- Hormone issues, Menstrual, Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Menopause
- Food allergies and Intolerances
- Stress, anxiety and minor depression
- Gut dysbiosis, candida, leaky gut syndrome