Feng Shui is one of many sophisticated tools invented by the ancient Chinese, along with astronomy and Chinese medicine. The idea here is that we, as humans, are a microcosm in the macrocosm -a very small, but important wheel in a wonderful large machine of the
Every year the electromagnetic energy (light) relationship, or bearing, changes with respect to the Earth, our Sun, and the Cosmos. Feng Shui advice seeks to adjust and ameliorate these changes, in order to harmonize our lives.
Let me explain:
Little is talked about the LIGHT connection of Feng Shui – that the Earth’s natural Light (Electromagnetic ) radiation, which varies year to year. This is produced by the molten metal core at the centre of the Earth, which rotating, acts as a dynamo, emanating magnetic energy into the atmosphere 10 miles from the Earth. It’s called the magnetosphere. Migratory birds navigate by connecting to this energy using the magnetic material in their brains, which allow them to find perfect paths.
The Earth’s magnetic energy is bathed in the enormous energy of our Sun, whose light energy regularly upsets our satellites and pilots with its solar flares and storms.
Keeping in mind that the Earth is rotating round the sun at 30km/sec, whilst the sun itself is hurtling round the galaxy at 250km/sec, we can see how the world around us constantly changes, and there are forces and energies affecting us, which we could have little idea in our day to day activities. However, like the birds, we can find the easiest ways is to navigate through using the ancient art of Feng Shui.
Perhaps I have not yet made the connection, the important thing is we are part of this Light energy play, as we also radiate Light (electromagnetic) energy. Our hearts radiate out, rather like a radio transmitter, 6-10 feet around us, many thousands time more powerful than our brains. There’s a ‘Russian doll’ type arrangement with one energy nestling inside and being affected by the others.
Year of The Snake:
This year’s is called ‘Year of The water Snake’ -the snake’s associated with healing, renewal and transformation. The new year begins on February 10 and is generally good for relationships and marriage, and the most important thing is to ‘let go ‘, or, as they say, ‘go with the flow’.
The Snake relates to healing of the physical body and shifting to a more spiritual outlook. Since antiquity snakes have been associated with healing and medicine, which we find in the medical symbol if the caduceus – in which two snakes intertwine up a staff.
Slow steady progress with attention to detail and focus will be the success strategies of this year. Self reflection, being clear about what you want to achieve, and visualizing positive outcomes will lead to calmness whilst achieving your goals.
Wood and fire are the strong elements for 2013.
THE SOUTH and SOUTH EAST are the lucky area of the home/office and also the lucky direction for 2013. Plants are good here (wood to feed the fire) as they will energize this area. Also, this area is a good place to change our furniture around or move your favourite chair to face south.
SOUTH WEST – If your front door faces south west (when in the house), you need protection from theft, flood or any other calamity. Metal will be protective, – whether in the form of a planter, statue or Wind chime by your door. Using a grey doormat is an easy thing to do hat will also help.
EAST – If your front door of the office or home face East, there would be legal issues and stress. Similar advice to the above, also a red doormat will help.
The above advice on directions comes from Jill Lander, FengShui master, who is available for private consults.

For 2013, the most auspicious ones to wear which will help you are jade, amethyst and tourmaline.