Testosterone in Women
We have noticed for years that perimenopause woman often lose their sex drive; and that the resulting loss in libido not only has a negative impact on relationships but can take away much pleasure and funs in later life.
There are also mental and emotional cognitive effect. How often have I heard a middle-aged woman or man saying, ‘I just seem to have lost my edge. I don’t feel mentally as sharp as I used to be’.
Testosterone is produced in the adrenal glands and the ovaries in women. These androgens act directly via the androgen receptors in tissues, such as bone, skin fibroblasts, hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Testosterone is a precursor hormone for estrogen biosynthesis (i.e. itself converts to oestrogen after the menopause) in the ovaries and at places outside of the gonads– bone, brain, cardiovascular and adipose tissues. Testosterone exerts an influence on female sexuality and has a physiological role in bone development and maintenance of mineralization. This means it is helpful in preventing osteoporosis, as women tend to lose a set % (1-3%) of their bone mass yearly after the menopause.
TRT in Men
Men over 45 undergo their own form of “perimenopause”, in that they can notice mood changes, including irritability or lack of pleasure /fun in life. Also, if fit, perhaps a decrease in muscle mass. Certainly they can experience decrease in libido or problems getting and maintaining erections.
Testosterone is the primary androgenic hormone. Testosterone and its 5α-reduced metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) activate the intracellular androgen receptor and can change gene transcription.
In males, testosterone is responsible for the normal growth and development of the male sex organs and for maintenance of secondary characteristics. It’s naturally produced in the testes, and also adrenal glands, however the levels steadily wane after 40, in some men this will be more obvious and a little bit worse than others.
Proper testing on SHBG or ‘free testosterone’, is important, as sex hormones binding hormones removes circulating testosterone from having an effect on the body. Also it’s ‘free testosterone’ that’s important measure, the rest is bound up to proteins and unavailable to work, so ‘total’ levels are not useful.

Testosterone Treatment
Once we have all this we can now use bio-identical hormone testosterone to treat men, a cream applied on upper body; women, to thighs. This is made in compound pharmacies, and does not have the side effects of pharmaceuticals, however levels do need to be monitored.
In our experience they have an effect in 2-5 weeks!