Dr. Denny Tang
About Dr. Denny Tang
Dr Denny Tang, Trained in both uk and Hong-Kong, started his passion after his grandfather was diagnoses with Brain degeneration, and his uncle had developed Parksinsons Disease.
Anti-aging medicine
Today’s healthcare challenges can only be met by those who search out deeper explanations of the body processes that generate health and disease. Life expectancy has increased due to advances in medical science. However it has come with little progress towards quality of life or the length of disease-free years in the majority of population. Anti -aging medicine attempts to remedy this. Using this holistic medical practice, anti-ageing doctors have an acceptance that we do chronologically get older year by year, but they do not accept that we need to necessarily develop heart disease, arthritis or develop and increased risk of stroke or cancers.
We could also call this lifestyle medicine, and that the diet exercise and stress levels I seem to play a big part in many chronic diseases and the inflammation that causes them. This is also an integrative type of medicine that takes into account the mind and the body, as well as embracing other complimentary specialties, he has served as an:
- Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor in Family Medicine (2000 – present)
Some of Dr. Denny’s Studies and Qualification are:
• Diploma in Child Health(London)
• Diploma in Practical Dermatology (Wales)
• Diploma in Occupational Medicine (CUHK)
• Diploma in Dermatology (Glasgow)
• Diploma in Clinical Ultrasound (HKU)
• Board certified A4M (American Academy of Anti-aging medicine)
Fellow of the HK College of Family Physicians
Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Certificate in Chinese Herbal Medicine
Member of Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP)(UK)
Gibson’s Gold Medal in Pediatrics (HKU) (1993)
Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) (2007)
• Postgraduate course in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) (2008)
• Chelation Therapy
• Application of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine