Last year in the UK, the Telegraph reported on anti-aging therapies (particularly a trial of anti-aging medication planned for this year):
“It could usher in a new era of ‘geroscience’ where doctors would no longer fight individual conditions like cancer, diabetes and dementia, but instead treat the underlying mechanism – ageing.”
That statement is so interesting, not just because of the promise of living longer with a better quality of life, but because it underlines what holistic healing already does. Here in our integrative medical practice in Hong Kong, we look beyond individual conditions to take a functional medicine approach that supports wellness in the whole individual. This allows the body’s innate healing to function at its best.
Of course, we also take advantage of the best advances in modern medicine, but we benefit as well from a broad range of alternative and traditional therapies that often support each other in their effectiveness.
How Many People Would Take Anti-Aging Therapies To Live Longer?
88% of the Telegraph’s readers said they would take an anti-aging pill to live to age 120. Of course, the goal of anti-aging therapy isn’t only long life, it’s quality too. Living longer isn’t so attractive if it comes with infirmity and pain, but when 70 (0r 90!) becomes the “new 50”, it’s much more appealing.
50% Increase In Lifespan?
Currently, a baby boy born in the US will live to an expected 78.8 years, and a baby girl to 82.8. The current drug trials in anti-aging hope to increase life expectancy by as much as 50%. That would mean men could live to over 118, and women to over 124, on average.
Most of the current research is focused on delaying the age at which illness becomes prevalent. Gene therapy is another area in which anti-aging research continues.
Delaying The Effects Of Aging
Although there is currently no pill to extend your lifespan significantly, there are many individual choices you can make to delay the effects of aging. For example, simply limiting sun exposure, particularly avoiding sunburn, will delay skin aging. Getting a little sun each day is healthy as it helps your body create vitamin D, but you want to avoid peak sun hours and keep your exposure down to about 20 minutes. If you’re going to be in the sun longer, apply sunscreen.
Improving your diet by reducing sugars and carbohydrates, as well as bad fats can significantly improve your chances of living longer. Try to also consume at least 5 vegetables and fruits daily, and maintain a healthy level of physical activity. A quality multivitamin daily is also a good strategy.
There are also anti-aging therapies that can improve and rejuvenate your appearance.
In the last century, human life expectancy has already increased by 50%, so it’s not out of the question that we will see a further significant increase in our lifetimes. Of course, you want to avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. You’ll see other ideas for good health in the articles on our site.
Emotional Health Counts Too
In our practice, we know that emotional health is also important. Reducing stress and increasing the joy in your life will not only improve your resilience, it will make you want to live longer. If you are struggling with mental or physical challenges, we encourage you to make an appointment and get the support you need. We can also counsel you on current anti-aging therapies.