Adolescent Clinic – improving physical and emotional health, increasing study abilities and communication skills.
Do you worry about your adolescent? Perhaps he’s stopped communicating with you, or has had a change in behaviour?
Sometimes, around examination tume, you worry that they are not studying effectively, and managing well at school.
Or, you may suspect drug and alcohol use but the won’t talk to you.
In the Ado Clinic, we will deal with these areas, on an individual basis, with personalized approaches :
• emotional health: sleep; overall communication abilities; screening drug/alcohol problems
• physical health: diet; requirement of personalized nutritional supplements; exercise and study time; sexual /contraceptive/STD issues
• mental health : tendency to depression, anxiety, ‘burn-out’; communication skills
Assesment with integrative health specialist Dr Susan Jamieson and french psychologist Maggy Dalmat, and following up on all of the issues every week. The session also includes poetry/writing workshops; art therapy, depending on individual requirements.